
Thursday, January 31, 2013

My essay for Ms. De La Rosa's Honors English Class

Your eyes are getting sleepy, your vision hazy, and your thoughts blurry… hypnotized! Hypnotism, is it real or simply a faked illusion? Some say it’s real, others don’t believe. And hardly anyone knows what it is or what it does or how to do it.
Hypnosis is a state of consciousness where your mind is dissociated from the immediate surroundings. It is a “trance” state associated with deep relaxation, focus, and absorbed feelings. The American Psychological association describes hypnosis as a cooperative interaction in which the participant responds to the suggestions of the hypnotist. Hypnotism has a variety of uses. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, pain during childbirth, symptoms of dementia. Certain symptoms of ADHD, skin conditions like warts, pain during dental procedures, nausea and vomiting of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. It also can help chronic conditions, a smoking problem stop, and help you lose weight. Some people use hypnosis to keep them on a diet, or others to treat arthritis. The experience can vary dramatically from one person to another. Some hypnotized individuals report feeling a sense of detachment or deep relaxation. While others feel that their actions seem to occur outside of their conscience, but some remain fully aware and able to carry out conversations while under hypnosis. Results vary from person to person.
Hypnotism was a fascinating phenomenon of the 10th century. Most hypnotists are thought to be manipulative, dominative, and creepy due to Svengali a hypnotist with evil intentions from George du Maurier’s 1894 novel “Trilby.” Many people didn’t believe hypnosis was real. Is it real of fake? A question that can be debated over and over. Hypnotism can be very easily faked but it can also be really done. No one really truly knows if it can be true or simply a trick of the mind. Most though say it’s just bunch of bologna.
Some are easily hypnotized, others not, and anyone can do it. It can be self- induced or another can make it occur. You can hypnotize using your voice, eyes, or object such as a pendulum of some sort (usually most people think of a swinging clock). In a book I read a girl named Molly Moon uses her eyes to hypnotize. How to hypnotize yourself or another have different but similar results. Hypnotizing Another: 2 types of hypnosis, one where you inform the person they’re going to be hypnotized and the other they have no clue. One way is instant hypnosis. First have the person sit next to you (face to face), have them put their hand on yours (palm to palm). Second tell them “Look at my eyes and continue looking until I say something.” Third tell them “In a moment I am going to count to 3. Press down on my hand and I’ll be pressing up against your energy and simply follow my instructions instantly.” Fourth say “1…2…3… push, push, push.” If he/she is pushing gently tell them to push harder. Fifth now with your other hand, put it on top of their eyes, like your shading them and slowly caressing down. Sixth then say “now as you continue to press down on my hand I want you to develop a feeling in your eyes like you’re up much too late at night watching an old black and white movie, you should go to bed but you’re just so tired. You feel your eyes so droopy… and closing…and drowsy…and…sleep!” As soon as you say sleep you have to slip your hand away quickly. This might not always work so practice makes perfect!
When I say the last word of my paragraph, you will have learned new things of hypnotism. Now you know how to hypnotize another to sleep, and what hypnosis is used for.

The End.

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